The United States is not unique among nations, insofar as it is a
sovereign country on the earth. Everyone can agree about that, I think.
Yet the United States is at least somewhat unique among nations, insofar
as its government is based upon, as our President has described it, a
“charter of negative rights.” Other nations have copied the US to
various degrees in that regard, but this country was really the first to
go all the way with this idea.
What does our President mean by “a charter of negative rights?” He
means that our constitution limits the powers of the federal government,
protecting the liberties of states and citizens. It forbids any notion
that the government has the right to, for example, prohibit the free
exercise of religion. While this frustrates our current
President and his associates, it should be a comfort for other
Americans. It’s what makes the United States a free country.
I’ve had a busy start to the school year, and the busy-ness will
continue for a while. We’re starting a series of classes for anyone 10
and older, called “Getting Into God’s Word,” as well as several
confirmation classes. Together with other things, I’m left pretty
wiped out at the end of many days, without much impetus for addressing
other things on my list. Blogging comes about last. But today is my
weekend, and I think these observations are rather important for us all
to keep in mind as election day draws closer.
Notice how concerned I am about freedom, or liberty. A hundred or more
years ago, that might easily earn me the label “liberal,” but today it
most likely earns me the label “conservative.” Isn’t that odd? To be
“liberal” these days (or at least during this presidential
administration) is to oppose the kind of protections our Constitution
affords for individual liberty. To put it bluntly: a “liberal” today
opposes liberty, while a “conservative” seeks to protect it. Amazingly
I realize that there are issues, and there are issues. Some “liberals”
or “conservatives” may seek to protect certain liberties, while
neglecting the protection of others. The free “speech” of sacrilegious
art comes to mind. Examples of neglect abound. This presidential
administration’s approach to implementing the newly-adopted national
health care regime is one of them. The President’s secretary for health
and human services responded to an announcement from certain health
companies in which they explained to their customers that the new law
would increase their costs. Here’s how Michael Barone
summarizes this “liberal” neglect of free speech:
“Congress shall make no law,” reads the First Amendment, “abridging
the freedom of speech, or of the press.”
Sebelius’ approach is different: “zero tolerance” for dissent.
I don’t mean this to be primarily a criticism of our current President’s
administration. Instead, I want anyone reading this to realize that
even though we may be exceedingly busy, it behooves us as citizens to
pay attention to our government and its political process. Yes, it can
be very boring, repetitious, and even depressing. Yes, the
signal-to-noise ratio can be extremely low. But if nobody pays
attention to these things, then whatever remains unique, special, or
even comforting about the way the US is governed will surely disappear.
Maybe we will enjoy some of those blessings, but we’ll have lost them for
our children. The present administration only reminds us that this has always been true.
Labels like “conservative” and “liberal” don’t really matter. They are
just labels, and their meanings change over time. Party loyalties only
matter as far as your conscience permits you to affiliate with the whole
platform of either party. That’s a personal political decision, though
it should be based upon objective reality instead of hype or feelings.
So if the labels and the parties don’t matter much, then what does
The principles matter. The Christian worldview, based upon the Bible,
matters, because it’s not only a matter of opinion. It’s a matter of
faith, and a matter of fact. Truth matters. These things matter to
Christians because we are Christians.
Don’t get so busy that you neglect the responsibility common to every
American citizen: inform yourself, vote, and participate in the
peaceful process of governing this republic. There is evil in the
world. It’s in our neighbors, including those in public office, and
it’s in us. Let’s not neglect to work against it. Especially in busy