The PMW‘s seventh antithesis reads:
We reject the teaching that the Public Ministry of the Word is limited
to the ministry of a parish pastor.
I have no problem with this antithesis, as I understand it. This may
surprise some who suppose that I (or others) might object to including
school teachers, musicians and the like under the heading “Public
Ministry of the Word.” But there are two good reasons I have no problem
with this.
First, consider this earlier sentence in the statement, which elucidates
the antithesis:
Therefore a presiding office, whether it is called that of pastor,
shepherd, bishop, presbyter, elder or by any other name, is
indispensable for the church.
In my long explanation of the PMW, I wrote:
This antithesis restates part of II.A.3, where we saw that there are
several varieties of pastors, not just the parish variety. Each of the
labels given in Scripture highlights a different aspect of the
pastor’s duties, leading us to believe that the mix of duties could
differ from individual to individual. Some, called bishops, might have
oversight over all the churches in a region. Others might be associate
pastors forming a kind of pastoral committee. There are many
possibilities. Today, those we call missionaries and chaplains are
certainly pastors of a sort, and theological professors among us are
pastors too.
That’s the first reason I have no problem with it. As you can see,
school teachers, musicians, and such are unrelated to the matter at
hand, and are not included for consideration. (Such matters are
considered under the next chief heading, “The Public Ministry of the
Word in a Wider Sense, etc.”)
Second, I have no problem with it because this antithesis is refining
the definition of an English expression that is not defined in holy scripture.
The expression is “the Public Ministry of the Word.” Even if
(for the sake of argument) this antithesis meant to include school
teachers under that term, it would only be describing our customary
usage of an English expression. It would not be referring
to the office that Jesus established, whose incumbents are charged as
stewards of the mysteries of God (1 Cor. 4:1). The English term and the
divinely-instituted office are two different things. The term is
described in both a narrow and a wider sense, but the office exists
perpetually, exactly as Jesus defined it.