Just what and where is the synod?

I apologize for not providing any earth-shaking conclusions in the last post. My conclusion about the office of synod president: “It depends.” Probably not satisfying to most readers. But if two out of the three of you can accept it, we’ll move on.

I actually received an email from a reader about this post. I won’t divulge the author without permission, but he made a good point. My question, “Just what and where is the synod?” was unfair in presenting only those two, briefly stated alternatives. In fact, it looks a lot like a false dilemma, though he was too polite to write that out loud.

After thinking a bit about this email response while working on various parts of our house this New Year’s Day, I have concluded that the question deserves a lot more attention: Just what and where is the synod?

Continue reading “Just what and where is the synod?”

A closer look at part of the PMW document

As the fit takes me, I’m going to include an explanation of my view on various part of the PMW document from time to time. “PMW” is shorthand for [the newest doctrinal statement][pmw] of the ELS, now a mere 18 months into adoption. It’s fair to say that this document is still mostly untested in “real life.” Sure, we’ve argued about the doctrine for a long time, and sure, a majority of delegates voted for it 18 months ago, but neither of those facts can be called a test of the doctrinal statement.

Unless, maybe, you’re talking about the part that touches upon the authority of a synod president. That is still in the midst of a serious test, pertinent questions being:

[pmw]: http://www.evangelicallutheransynod.org/believe/els/publicministry Continue reading “A closer look at part of the PMW document”

Testing with the Kids

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This is a recent photo of the kids, in some kind of performing art on the living room floor. It looks like the girls prepared Isaac with some of their kid makeup.

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Here’s Isaac helping me tonight with a little renovation. For those who have seen our house, it’s the doorway from the dining room into the hallway toward the stairs and bathroom. The door frame is gone, and a good part of the wall is now gone as well. Some day, most of the wall will be replaced with some nice decorative louvres. (We just saw the new Pink Panther movie. Can you imagine Steve Martin’s pronunciation of that last word?)