A Correction/Adjustment/Clarification

In the post about bright spots in the president’s report, I wrote about the issues addressed at the circuit visitor’s conference. These issues were reportedly related to the 2006 General Pastoral Conference. I wrote:

I can only guess exactly what those issues were. One guess relates to the paper that Pastor Jay Webber delivered on parsing the PMW in an objective way. At the time, that paper was not received with much enthusiasm. If I recall correctly, only one of the PCM (the initial drafters of the PMW document) offered an endorsement of Pastor Webber’s parsing. The president also demurred.

This might mislead one into thinking that the PCM and the president actually disapproved of Pastor Webber’s paper. They expressed no disapproval. Most also expressed no approval, at the time (as I recall — please correct me if necessary). Reportedly, the majority of the PCM members have expressed individual approval of the paper, but to my knowledge there have been no public statements to that effect.

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