Christian Doctrine Vs. Class Warfare

No godly person believes that the position of a magistrate is better in the sight of God than that of a subject, for he knows that both are divine institutions and have a divine command behind them. He will not distinguish between thet position or work of a father and that of a son, or between that of a teacher and that of a pupil, or between that of a master and that of a servant; but he will declare it as certain that both are pleasing to God if they are done in faith and in obedience to God. In the eyes of the world, of course, these ways of life and their positions are unequal; but this outward inequality does not in any way hinder the unity of spirit, in which they all think and believe the same thing about Christ, namely, that through Him alone we obtain the forgiveness of sins and righteousness. As for outward behavior and position in the world, one person does not judge another or criticize his works or praise his own, even if they are superior; but with one set of lips and one spirit they confess that they have one and the same Savior, Christ, before whom there is no partiality toward either persons or works (Rom. 2:11).

Martin Luther, 1535 Lectures on Galatians (LW 27:61)

One thought on “Christian Doctrine Vs. Class Warfare

  1. A quote from East of Eden by Steinbeck, wherein the Chinese manservant Lee explains his vocation:

    “I don’t know where being a servant came into disrepute. It is the refuge of the philosopher, the food of the lazy, and, properly carried out, it is a position of power, even of love. I can’t understand why more intelligent people don’t take it up as a career–learn to do it well and reap its benefits.”

    In stating this observation, Lee reflects the hiddenness of the humbler vocations: what power for good and ill that lie within them; what influence and joy. Yet certainly into every vocation a worldly value is embedded, which to the end of time will keep the world busy with infighting and posturing.

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