Missed Your Senator’s Town Hall? Mine’s Having a Teleconference!

This will make communication so easy! No doubt the good senator will have a good sense of how his constituents are thinking after this. If you’ve ever participated in an audio conference over the phone, then you also know just how easy it is to get your points across. The senator will have people across the entire state on the phone, all at once!

Oregon's Senator Jeff Merkley
September 28th, 2009
The Oregon Update: Working for Health Care Affordability

Sign up Today to Join Senator Merkley for a Telephone Town Hall Meeting

Deadline to Sign Up is Tuesday at 10:00 am PT

As Congress continues to tackle the challenge of fixing our health care system, Senator Merkley wants to hear your thoughts, what’s working and what isn’t, and how we can best make it work for Oregon’s families and businesses. Senator Merkley knows that not everyone can make it to his town hall meetings, and that’s why he wanted to make sure Oregonians have every avenue available to them to reach out to him and make their concerns known.

This Wednesday, September 30th at 5:50 pm PT, Senator Merkley will hold a Telephone Town Hall, where Oregonians can ask questions and share their views about the current effort to reform health care. The deadline to sign up for the health care telephone town hall is tomorrow, September 29th at 10:00 am PT. Hurry and sign up today!

Join Senator Merkley for a Telephone Town Hall and make your voice heard.

Please note that any reply to this email address will be sent to an unmonitored email address. To contact Senator Merkley, please visit his website.

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