The Freedom to Defend Self and Others

This is why the founders of our country included or assumed the individual right to keep and bear (carry) arms (weapons) in the constitution of the nation, and of each of the founding states.

Don’t be surprised if this non-massacre of college students doesn’t get the same duration of coverage in media and politics as the massacres that were not prevented by the heroic actions of armed individuals. This example demonstrates conclusively the benefits to society of this particular freedom. Unfortunately, there are some who would try to win the argument by depriving the public of information like this, rather than letting the fully-informed public form its own opinion based upon the facts.

Elected Reps, Hear Doc Asness

This article by a hedge fund manager offers a risky response to the Chicago-style political power plays that have been making “progress” in reforming the auto industry. (BTW, unless something changes drastically, I don’t see myself ever buying a GM or Chrysler product again, used or new.) The author’s words seem to be aimed at the President, but they should really be heard by the elected representatives in Congress, and in every state house. Those representatives are the ones we rely upon to provide the needed checks and balances, in this case.

In addition, the author writes something that every elected representative of the people (including the Senators, since the 17th amendment) should personally take to heart. He applies it to himself as a steward of other people’s money. However, the exact same principle also applies to those responsible for our taxes: the principle of stewardship.

Let’s be clear, it is the job and obligation of all investment managers, including hedge fund managers, to get their clients the most return they can. They are allowed to be charitable with their own money, and many are spectacularly so, but if they give away their clients’ money to share in the “sacrifice”, they are stealing.

He echoes the reported words of a congressman from the early 19th century, Davy Crockett. Like hedge-fund managers, let Congress be charitable with its own money, not with the taxes belonging to the people they represent. Also, let Congress see that this principle is not broken by the other two branches of government.

On an individual level, Christians are stewards too. However, the divine Owner of all our possessions has instructed us to be charitable with them, particularly in ways that “earn friends in heaven,” i.e., that correspond with faith in Jesus Christ. Congress has no similar imperative. Instead, its imperatives are delineated exactly by the Constitution.


I’m an on-demand listener of Issues, Etc., and recently heard this segment, in which Os Guinness, as guest, describes the problem of civility in public discourse. (I’ll try to embed the audio link below.) I suppose the problem is not civility, per se, but a lack of civility. He has a book out on that subject that may be worth reading. At least, I recommend that any Christian concerned about the civic duties of a citizen should at least listen to the IE segment linked above.

<embed src=”” width=”400″ height=”220″ bgcolor=”000000″ allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”false” flashvars=”file=”CCCCCC”&screencolor=”000000″/>

If you don’t usually like the talk radio format because you can’t stand listening to the bloviating of the uninformed, then you should try IE anyway. The guests generally do a fine job of describing the issue under discussion, and are usually “subject-matter experts” by vocation.

Guinness also referred to The Williamsburg Charter, something I hadn’t heard about before. When time permits, I’d like to read that too, because it seems Guinness has put his finger on a root problem for Christians in American society, and even in the wider world.

There’s a blog advertisement for IE that I’ve tried to include on The Plucked Chicken, but the Javascript in it produced some wacky behavior. So for now, you’ll just have to take my word for it that I enjoy learning and listenening on demand.

Psalm 37: A Psalm for Our Time

(From the New King James Version)

A Psalm of David.
Do not fret because of evildoers,
Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity.
For they shall soon be cut down like the grass,
And wither as the green herb.
Trust in the LORD, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
Delight yourself also in the LORD,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light,
And your justice as the noonday.
Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him;
Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath;
Do not fret — it only causes harm.
For evildoers shall be cut off;
But those who wait on the LORD,
They shall inherit the earth.
For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more;
Indeed, you will look carefully for his place,
But it shall be no more.
But the meek shall inherit the earth,
And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
The wicked plots against the just,
And gnashes at him with his teeth. The Lord laughs at him,
For He sees that his day is coming.
The wicked have drawn the sword
And have bent their bow,
To cast down the poor and needy,
To slay those who are of upright conduct.
Their sword shall enter their own heart,
And their bows shall be broken.
A little that a righteous man has
Is better than the riches of many wicked.
For the arms of the wicked shall be broken,
But the LORD upholds the righteous.
The LORD knows the days of the upright,
And their inheritance shall be forever.
They shall not be ashamed in the evil time,
And in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.
But the wicked shall perish;
And the enemies of the LORD,
Like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish.
Into smoke they shall vanish away.
The wicked borrows and does not repay,
But the righteous shows mercy and gives.
For those blessed by Him shall inherit the earth,
But those cursed by Him shall be cut off.
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD,
And He delights in his way.
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down;
For the LORD upholds him with His hand.
I have been young, and now am old;
Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken,
Nor his descendants begging bread.
He is ever merciful, and lends;
And his descendants are blessed.
Depart from evil, and do good;
And dwell forevermore.
For the LORD loves justice,
And does not forsake His saints;
They are preserved forever,
But the descendants of the wicked shall be cut off.
The righteous shall inherit the land,
And dwell in it forever.
The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom,
And his tongue talks of justice.
The law of his God is in his heart;
None of his steps shall slide.
The wicked watches the righteous,
And seeks to slay him.
The LORD will not leave him in his hand,
Nor condemn him when he is judged.
Wait on the LORD,
And keep His way,
And He shall exalt you to inherit the land;
When the wicked are cut off, you shall see it.
I have seen the wicked in great power,
And spreading himself like a native green tree.
Yet he passed away, and behold, he was no more;
Indeed I sought him, but he could not be found.
Mark the blameless man, and observe the upright;
For the future of that man is peace.
But the transgressors shall be destroyed together;
The future of the wicked shall be cut off.
But the salvation of the righteous is from the LORD;
He is their strength in the time of trouble.
And the LORD shall help them and deliver them;
He shall deliver them from the wicked,
And save them,
Because they trust in Him.

Marriage Equality?

I’d mentioned the deceitful term “Committed Same-Gender Relationships.” Dr. Veith highlights “more language games,” another attempt to re-frame a moral issue to be more favorable to those who would like to change the relevant morality upon which our society is based. He quotes from the WaPo.

So when someone says “This is a civil rights issue,” pushing for “marriage equality,” my first question is this. Who is being denied marriage? Is it those under 18, who must have their parents’ written consent in many places (though ironically, parental consent is not required in every place for pregnant girls to abort their children)? Is it wards of the state, prison inmates, or those proven incompetent to manage the responsibilities of marriage?

Of course, the implied claim is that homosexuals are being denied marriage, which is patently false. There are many people who practice sinful lifestyles — even compulsively, who are allowed to marry. Mobsters, hucksters, thieves, liars, rebellious, abortionists, and yes, even compulsive adulterers and fornicators. I myself am an example of a hereditary sinner who has been afforded the privilege of marriage.

Persecution, Alive and Well

The land of Goshen was the best part of Egypt for herds of animals, so the family of Israel was settled there under Joseph’s administration. The other benefit was that it kept the family of Israel separate from the Egyptians, who considered the herding profession to be distasteful, or worse. It was a great blessing to the family of Israel that Joseph had accumulated such great power for the Egyptian government, because it meant they would flourish through a deep famine-wrought recession. Not long after Joseph died, things changed in Egypt, and the government became repressive toward the Israelites. It used its considerable power to enslave them.

With a somewhat ironic twist, current events in Egypt are imitating history. Only today, God’s people are not necessarily biological children of Israel, but rather spiritual children of Abraham and Sarah. The false religion of Islam traces its own genetic origins through Ishmael, the son of Hagar, claiming that he was the son promised to Abraham. However, the Bible clearly says this is not the case. Islam will always be quite hostile toward Christianity, because of this difference, and especially because of the Gospel. Christians in Egypt have assumed the role of the children of Israel, as the despised animal-herders, but instead of raising sheep and goats, they raise pigs. Pigs are despised and avoided as a matter of law by both Jews and Muslims, but Christians recognize that Christ’s work has freed us from the necessity of observing such ceremonial laws of the Old Testament. So like the family of Israel, Christians have found a profitable economic niche in Egypt.

But now, the Egyptian government, under Muslim control, has taken the Swine Flu scare as a pretext to persecute the Christians, by killing all their pigs. This effort is expressly contrary to the moral law of God, for His injunction against stealing is a protection of private property. If private citizens were doing this, it would be grounds for seeking full reparations from the wrongdoers. However, ’tis the Egyptian government. When a government persecutes like this, it shows itself to be a repressive tyranny. We may see what steps the government takes to make things right with the owners of these pigs.

If it does not make things right, what then? Will the Christians be forced to sell what little they have left and leave their country? But where could they go in today’s world, to find freedom? It’s fast disappearing in the United States, as our own government shows itself to be not entirely different from that in Egypt.

A hallmark of American freedom is the principle that government keeps its fingers out of private life, allowing the citizens to conduct and defend their own businesses, interests, and lives. Though there are still limits to that principle, to keep citizens from harming each other, government intervention is supposed to be limited to that which is absolutely necessary, because our nation is composed of citizens, not of government. That’s why recent actions by American governments (state, federal, and local) have been so troubling. We’ve been taking steps in the direction of Egypt’s example, from the White House to the repressive neighborhood association that measures lawn height to the nearest quarter-inch. On the national level, we’ve seen these examples piling up for some time, but perhaps never as quickly as in the last few months.

In one of the books I’ve been reading, I find it interesting that the anti-federalists of the 1780’s were not opposed to the constitution per se, but to the constitution without a bill of rights that would expressly protect the interests of individuals — and some interests of states — from tyrannical encroachments by the federal government. The federalists argued that the bill of rights was unnecessary, because all rights should be assumed to be protected. I think they were a bit naíve. At least, they were unfamiliar with Chicago politics. Yet the federalists made a good point: when you enumerate certain rights for protection, it implies that the rights not listed are not protected. The anti-federalists did not think that would be such a problem, but that’s where they were wrong.

Though my friend Mary might prefer not to think of these protections as “rights,” and she has a good point, the Bill of Rights has become one of the last friends of the American Citizen in government. Members of Congress are generally only interested in protecting and extending their own influence by spending our tax money. Much of the judicial branch only wants to reshape the country by creating new laws through its supposed interpretation of existing law. Meanwhile, the executive branch bullies private citizens into doing whatever it thinks is right, with the present intention of “spreading the wealth around” in the name of justice. No wonder the Bill of Rights has been under attack: it’s one of the few things standing between American citizens and an increasingly hostile and dysfunctional government. Both federalists and anti-federalists were prescient, at least in their distrust of human nature.

If American voters allow things to continue on the present course (and I use the adjective “American” loosely, because I suspect there have been many voters who are not), the effect of the first ten amendments will be further curbed. Americans will further lose the right to free speech (even on the Internet) and religion, just as our right to petition the government for redress has been practically forgotten. The Second Amendment truly is the original Department of Homeland Security, from both foreign and domestic attack, including domestic attacks upon the United States (i.e. American citizens) by their government. Those who would like to curtail the other rights definitely want to empty this one, as a prerequisite if possible. If and when that happens, American citizens will be in a position not much different from that of the Christian pig farmers in Egypt. Where could we go, then, to find freedom?

Getting Things Done with Mutt (updated)

My mail client of choice is Mutt. It works. It works well. It works well over SSH, and will do just about anything I ask it to, as long as what I ask it to do is to manage my mail. Plus, it’s fast.

I also have been using David Allen’s system known as Getting Things Done, or GTD. Tonight I did a little Mutt configuration to automate some of the GTD-style email reading I’ve been doing.

The principle is to have every incoming mailbox completely empty by the time I’m done reading it. The messages get deleted or sorted into other boxes where they either wait for more information or generate actions for me to do when the time is right.

A little googling revealed that others have done something similar in recent years, but there were two problems. First, messages were tagged by adding an “X-Label:” header, which supposedly required a patch to Mutt’s source code. Possible, but a bit ugly. I vastly prefer custom configuration to custom software, when possible. Second, a number of the pages about using Mutt in a GTD way are no longer available.

But this one is available. Unfortunately, it also relies upon the “Add an X-Label header” patch to Mutt’s source code. But I had an inkling it could be done another way, without the patch. A few hours later, after a little Reading of The Fine Manual and some experimentation, I have the answer.

The goal is to provide simple keystrokes that will add an X-Label header or change an existing one right from the index listing or the pager. Then, folder hooks can change the index listing format when needed to include the X-Label header — or at least a few characters of it. That way, I can process messages when they come in, slap a label on them, and then save them into an appropriate folders for later review at the right time. When I browse those folders later, I’ll see my labels, and know what to do even before I read the messages. In addition, I can set up automated summaries of my GTD folders, including how many messages are there, and what their Labels say. The summaries might appear on my desktop, or wherever else I might want them.

I ended up doing most of what’s mentioned on the page linked above. The chief difference is that I haven’t patched Mutt. So instead of using the “edit-label” command (which doesn’t exist for me), I used the following somewhat long binding (inspired by this thread) in my muttrc:

macro index,pager Cl "<enter-command>set my_editor=$editor<enter>\
<enter-command>set editor='~/bin/'<enter>\
<edit><enter-command>set editor=\$my_editor<enter>"

The magic keystroke is Cl, available in the index or the pager. Everything else is the macro this keystroke performs.

First, we save the value of the current Mutt editor variable to a custom variable, cryptically named my_editor.

Then, we set the Mutt editor to a shell script, which I’ll include below.

After that, we issue the Mutt command, which edits the current message, using the script we specified a moment ago.

Finally, we restore the original value of the Mutt editor variable. The backslash is needed here because we want this variable to be expanded when the macro executes, rather than when it is defined.

The shell script is as follows:

read -e -p"Enter an X-Label: " value
formail -I "X-Label: $value" <$file >$file.tmp
sleep 1
mv $file.tmp $file

Ignore the first line. It’s how shell scripts work.

First, on line 2, we have Bash ask for a new label value. Since Mutt runs in a terminal, this is no problem at all.

The third line takes the filename parameter provided by Mutt and puts it into a nice, descriptive variable, just because.

The fourth line uses a command-line utility to do the heavy lifting, using the value we just obtained in line 2. Shell redirection is used for input and output.

The fifth line pauses for a second, because supposedly Mutt will assume the file is unchanged if the final timestamp is unchanged.

Finally, we move the modified message to the original filename for Mutt to pick up.

And that’s it. The rest is similar to the first link above. But now, it’s late. My next action is to get some rest.

I Might Believe They’re Serious about Human-Induced Climate Change When…

…. when I see this coming to every American city and town south of the Mason Dixon Line. Until then, it’s just a convenient crisis for advancing a political agenda. Even then, I’d like to see the data. The real data — not showing that the climate changes, but that our behavior causes it to change, and that the change is bad. I already believe it changes, because the Bible says so. Read Genesis chapters 6-8. Big change there.

HT: Evan at The By-Coloured-Python-Rock-Snake

The Fourth Commandment

The way we Lutherans number the Ten Commandments, the Fourth is the beginning of the Second Table of the Law. God’s Law is conceptually divided into two tables, the first requiring love and reverence toward our Creator, and the second, love toward our fellow human beings. The Fourth Commandment is often summarized, “Honor your father and your mother.”

Dr. Martin Luther included in the Small Catechism the insight that this commandment requires honor not only toward parents, but toward all God-given authority. In fact, all authority derives from that of parents, which is evident in the biblical account of mankind’s creation, in Genesis chapter 2, as well as the subsequent generations described in chapters 4 and 5.

Since the Ten Commandments provide us a concise summary of morality, and since morality is generally under attack in Western society, it’s reasonable to consider the war against morality as a war against God’s commandments. After all, morality has scant foundation in atheism, which ends up following the dictum, “might makes right,” another iteration of Darwin’s “survival of the fittest.” That there are atheists who nevertheless affirm transcendent moral precepts does not mean that their morality is founded upon atheism. It may instead be strong evidence that their atheism runs against their own God-given intuition. Therefore, I think anyone can reasonably consider the degradation of social morality within the framework of a war upon the Ten Commandments.

It’s worth considering each commandment, and how the morality of our time works against it. I prefer to start with the Second Table of the Law, not because it’s more important, but because its transgressions are generally more concrete. However, any transgression against the Second Table may also be considered a transgression against the First.

So, consider the Fourth Commandment. This is the first moral commandment in which God orders human life on earth. Its basic form says, “Honor your father and your mother.” Let’s notice a few things about this. Feel free to add more.

  • Both father and mother are included. Hence, children are meant to have both a father and a mother. Do I need to point out that they are of opposite genders, the father being male and the mother female? Only for those who have abandoned sense, but there are more like that all the time. The titles “father” and “mother” denote particular roles in the childbearing and child-rearing process. They are distinct from one another, and therefore not interchangeable.

  • Though the mother is closer to her child at first, the father is mentioned before her. This does not subtract from the honor due to the mother, but recognizes that the father is also honored when the mother is honored. It also recognizes the chain of accountability before God for responsibilities due to the children.

  • The word “honor” includes many things, if the commandment is to be kept in thought, word, and deed. It includes obedience, service, love, and respect for the father’s or mother’s office (which is easy), and for the person, too (which is often hard).

  • This commandment is not conditioned upon the performance of fathers or mothers. It demands honor, regardless of whether or not fathers and mothers deserve it by keeping this or any other commandment, and regardless of what they believe.

  • The only commandments that can trump this one are the ones that come before it in the Ten Commandments: (1) having and worshipping only the true God, (2) using God’s name properly, but not in vain, and (3) keeping holy the day of rest (i.e., the ways that God provides us His spiritual blessings) in our lives. This means that we are bound before God to honor and obey our parents in every way, except where it would cause us to disobey God according to the first table of the Law. Yet recall that transgressions against the Second Table are not only against our fellow human beings, but also against God. Therefore, even commandments 5 through 10 are a higher authority than our parents. Only when obedience to father and mother would cause us to break one of God’s moral commandments may we disobey our parents. In that case, the Law says that we must disobey our parents.

Because this commandment is part of God’s will for us, we are required to obey God-given authority. There have been questions and discussions about who or what, exactly, is our authority. The reformers distinguished between three realms of authority: the home, the civil economy, and the church. God rules in each realm in certain ways, and we live in each realm under the authorities He has provided.

In the home, the authority is father and mother, as the commandment says. Where there is no father, the authority is the mother. Where there is no mother, it is the father. God’s design includes both, but the circumstances of our depravity and tragic consequences of sinfulness conspire to work against God’s design. It’s no wonder, then, that many households operate like a car with a flat tire. Cars are designed to drive with four fully-inflated tires, and though they can be driven with a flat, it’s neither efficient nor pleasant. To extend the analogy, driving with a flat in the front produces one kind of instability, while a flat in the back produced another kind. Families without fathers suffer one way, while families without mothers suffer another way. Both are part of God’s design, and He also designed males and females to perform the different roles He has given us in the home. When we work together as He intended, then the household will be more efficient, and more pleasant. It’s also noteworthy that parents (particularly fathers – Eph. 6:4) have been given the responsibility to teach their children both God’s law and gospel, in addition to anything else they need to learn for life on earth.

What I’m calling the civil economy includes government, employment, and our general neighborly relationships. There is a God-given governing authority, but there are also more limited authorities in the workplace. Though there are different arrangements of government or employment, we should regard the authorities themselves to be established over us by God. Yet like parents, they might also require something that would transgress God’s own commandments. In that case, “We must obey God rather than men.” Government is a special kind of authority, because it is responsible for defending its citizens, while maintaining peace against criminals and the freedom we need to make a living according to God’s will. Because of these God-given responsibilities, the representatives of government have the authority to impose taxes (which would otherwise violate the commandment prohibiting stealing) and to harm certain individuals (which would otherwise violate the commandment against murder). When government does these things within the limits of its responsibility, it does so with the authority and blessing of God.

Some arrangements of government fit better with God’s commandments than others. For many years now, the most successful governments have been constitutional in nature, where the rulers are themselves governed by higher laws within the nation. It was on that basis that the United States was founded in the 1770’s, because the ruler of England, together with its parliament, not only broke those higher laws, but also made it impossible for American grievances to be settled. It’s likely that some of the American revolutionaries participated in transgression of the 4th commandment, but it’s also possible that some of them undertook the separation from England as a necessary step, in obedience to an authority greater than the King.

In the church, the ruling authority is Jesus Christ. He exercises His authority through the preaching and teaching of the gospel, and the administration of the sacraments. For that reason, He sends men to do these things according to His will. Though they are placed in office through the calling of congregations of believers, these ministers are in fact called by Jesus to perform His ministry on His behalf. Christians may conceive of ministerial responsibilities separately from the ministers who perform them, recognizing that Jesus wants those responsibilities to be fulfilled when the church calls men to do so. However, the activities by themselves are an abstraction. Jesus governs His Church through the actual service of individuals He calls to perform the responsibilities of their office: preaching and teaching the gospel, and administering the sacraments. The church of Christ has no other authority than this.